ESOL on a shoestring – NATECLA London Day Conference 19th October

ESOL on a Shoestring!

seven tefl feet by @ij64

Photo taken from by @ij64, used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial license,

NATECLA London regional conference continues its theme of addressing key issues which affect the ESOL profession. Under the umbrella of ESOL on a Shoestring we look broadly at the topic of limited resourcing in ESOL.

At this conference we will consider recent benefit changes and how students can best be supported. We will also consider some of the issues surrounding ESOL students with very low levels of literacy, as well as explore creative ways to teach with access to very limited resources. The event will also include a practical session where delegates can create their own museum in the classroom to support language learning. The morning will conclude with a Q&A session where participants will have the opportunity to share their views and experiences with a panel of specialists and will be followed by NATECLA London’s first AGM.

We aim to equip those who attend with a range of tools and strategies to support ESOL students and to provide a forum for discussion and debate about the issues which we face as ESOL professionals. The afternoon programme will be an ‘open mic’ enabling teachers to network and share their expertise and ideas about teaching ESOL. Practitioners who wish to stay on to swap their best tips for language teaching. Participants are invited to speak for 5-10 minutes on an idea or technique that they’ve used with their learners, more details about the afternoon inspirational event when we resume in September.

Please join us for our next stimulating and thought-provoking conference!

Looking forward to welcoming you …. the NATECLA London Team Emoji

Please note this event is FREE to NATECLA members. We offer a limited number of concessionary tickets.

Register for the event here:

To join NATECLA please click here

NATECLA London wishes to express its gratitude to the British Council for hosting the event

Photo credit: ‘seven tefl feet’ by @ij64

Photo taken from by @ij64, used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial license,

2 responses to “ESOL on a shoestring – NATECLA London Day Conference 19th October

  1. Pingback: Upcoming NATECLA London events | NATECLA London·

  2. Pingback: mikejharrison | ESOL teacher | Notes from the last 2 months·

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